Mushroom School: A Seedling Epistle of Yes: the Gestational/ Ancestral Writing Portal with DominiQue Christina — July 21st

Mushroom School: A Seedling Epistle of Yes: the Gestational/ Ancestral Writing Portal with DominiQue Christina — July 21st

from $150.00
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A Seedling Epistle of Yes: the Gestational/ Ancestral Writing Portal with DominiQue Christina

Sunday July 21st: 11AM—2PM Pacific over Zoom
1-4PM Pacific / 4-7PM Eastern / 9-PM-12AM BST / 6-9AM NZST (7/22)
(A recording will be made available to all registrants for a limited period afterwards.)

Note: This offering is led by a Guest Instructor as part of our year-long Mushroom School, but is open to the wider community.

“Can these bones live?” Ezekiel 37: 1-10

What if ghosts are the raw material of possible? What if all that the dead really need is a translator? A cataloguer/biographer/conduit for this new iteration? What if you could facilitate that? What if writing is nothing more than opening the gate, and stepping into the crossroads, destination unknown? What if its always been conjure? What ghosts might we find? Would we curate language for their exhumation or their (re)cremation? What great and terrible god sizzles under the rubble of un-remembrance? And what prayers, what voodoo, what rituals, and what ancestral logic can we access as a village of co-creators to seed our imaginations from whence can spring a new envisioning of the kind of griots (storytellers) we can become. We are incubating the ghosts. The rest is weather.



The following payment model is inspired by and borrowed from the payment model of Bayo Akomolafe’s class, We Will Dance With Mountains: Into the Cracks.

This workshop offers a sliding scale based on your relative financial standing. In an effort to reflect disparity in economic condition and access to wealth, the following payment system is designed for those with more wealth to help cover the costs of those with less access to wealth and resources. We trust your discernment of your current financial situation and how you fit into the global economic context.

As you decide what amount to pay, please consider your present-day financial situation governed by income, but also the following factors: historical discrimination faced by your peoples; your financial wealth (retirement/savings/investments); your access to income and financial wealth, both current and anticipated (how easily could you earn more income compared to other people in your community, country, and the world; are you expecting an inheritance); people counting on your financial livelihood including dependents and community members; the socio-economic conditions of your locale (relative to other places in your country and in the world); your relationship to food & resource scarcity.

$275 Partner

$225 Supporter (Note: This amount reflects the “real” value of this course.)

$175 Companion

$150 Friend

Scholarships are also available for anyone needing further financial assistance. Please email Daniel at for more info, or if you are feeling challenged in any way by the financial requirements of participation.


Dominique Christina is an award-winning poet, author, educator, and activist. She holds five national poetry slam titles in four years, including the 2014 & 2012 Women of the World Slam Champion and 2011 National Poetry Slam Champion. Her work is greatly influenced by her family's legacy in the Civil Rights Movement and by the idea that words make worlds. Her fourth book, Anarcha Speaks won the National Poetry Series Prize.